Saturday, December 21, 2019

Benefits of a College Education - 810 Words

Are you aware that a college education can get you stability and a higher paying job? Many people are unaware of the advantages a secondary education can make on their lives. Furthering your college education is guaranteed to put you at a higher tax bracket. According to the Census Bureau (2010), â€Å"43.5 million people have some form of postsecondary education but no degree, an estimated one fifth of Americans age 25 and older†. The importance of a college education in the United States has proved positive for many people. Whether the individual obtain a degree through distance learning or on-campus, statistics show progressive growth in our country. In fact, the government makes it easier and more affordable for adults to continue their education with financial aid, grants and loans. However, a person has to be committed to classwork from the beginning enrollment process to the completion of the course, in order to obtain a degree. The benefits of receiving a higher education whether it be an Associate’s, Bachelor’s or Master’s degree are relatively advantageous. A degree can lead to a greater paying job and a superior position within a company. A person becomes better prepared for challenges by earning an educational background. A college education can provide a lifelong opportunity for a potentially secure position. Ensuring a higher education will not only benefit the person, but their family and friends also. â€Å"Parents who had a higher education held higher expectationsShow MoreRelatedBenefits Of College Education940 Words   |  4 Pagesadults and graduates. In today’s modern society, this means that people with college degrees will land jobs that others don’t. Many citizens believe a college education is unnecessary to make a sufficient living. This might be true on some occasions, but a college education has a clear impact on your future. College might not be for everyone, but those who complete their education reap the benefits. A four-year college degree results in higher wages, lower chances of unemployment, improved credibilityRead MoreBenefits Of A College Education900 Words   |  4 PagesThere are countless of benefits when going to college, as there is a greater significance to a college education than money. You will gain the knowledge that will get you further in life than others. Expanding the way you learn, think, and express yourself is necessary if you want to be successful in whatever you decide to do. Without a college education, you will not have many choices when looking for a job. An associate, bachelors, masters, and so on, will help you with a career of your choiceRead MoreBenefits Of A College Education904 Words   |  4 Pagesknowledge to the general public. After dropping out of college, these men crawled their way to the top, and became some of the most wealthy, and well known public figures of today’s era. While neither of these billionaires needed a college degree in order to achieve success, they are not representative of the norm. The act of going to college is an important first step in leading a successful life, because it helps stimulate individual growth, allows college graduates the ability to find a well paying jobRead MoreBenefits Of College Education1462 Words   |  6 Pagesfuture to support their fam ily and have a brighter future. Some students question whether attending college is worth their time, but research suggests that students who study at postsecondary institutions will benefit in the long run. If students want to have a successful future, to be able to support their family, and have a higher income, they will need some sort of higher level education. Going to college can help with unemployment rates and increase the chances of attaining a stable career. PeopleRead MoreBenefits Of College Education1343 Words   |  6 Pagesof today, college is no longer an option or privilege, it’s a necessity. College education is the most important education of them all because it sets in stone the rest of your life. Higher education is touted to lead to a number of benefits, including financial security and prosperous career. In fact, about 84 percent of Americans claim that a higher education is very important to get ahead in life† (Vista Success). Furthering my educa tion is highly important in life because a college degree canRead MoreThe Benefits Of College Education984 Words   |  4 Pagesreplace an empty mind with an open one.† To reiterate, education gives you more opportunities in which you learn and benefit from the lessons you attain while in college. Every high school student struggles to figure out, whether to go to college or not. In a world where even the little things are criticized, it is difficult to commit to a new lifestyle. High school students should be taught to acknowledge the major benefits of attending college. College is like a stairway that gives you more opportunitiesRead MoreThe Benefits Of College Education1286 Words   |  6 Pagesget out in the world and make something for yourself. But how do you do that? By furthering your education and going to college or a post-secondary education. Even though we just got done with 13 years of school. That’s basically what most of my classmates thought as we were about to graduate last year. In this society, students must further your education to be able to live at times. College education is no longer just an option, or a privilege, like it used to be. It’s now more of a necessity toRead MoreThe Benefits Of College Education2022 Words   |  9 PagesThe worth of college is under scrutiny. How does a college degree really help an individual in today’s world? Even with a college degree, people are still faced with unemployment, on top of that they have student loans to pay off. College graduates have higher salaries though, which makes it easier to pay off their debts. Unemployment for college graduates is better than those with only a high school diploma and much better than high school dropouts. College education looks as though it is decliningRead MoreBenefits Of A College Education900 Words   |  4 PagesIn today’s society, it is very important to have a college education. Employers are hiring more employees tha t have a level of higher education; this makes it very difficult for people who only have a basic high school diploma to get a good paying job. If students work hard through college and get a degree, it will pay off big time in the long run. Without one, a student will b stuck working minimum wage jobs. A college degree will help students better compete for a specific job, higher pay, andRead MoreBenefits Of A College Education1648 Words   |  7 PagesA college education is proven to increase an individual s earnings, however, women’s earnings are still not as much as men’s, even when they have the same degree (Patten, 2015). The county is seeing this gap start to close over time, however, research shows that women are far more likely than men to leave their occupations, either temporarily or even permanently, to take care of their children (Patten, 2015). Roughly four-in-ten mothers say they have taken a significant amount of time off from

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